What is the Timeline for Social Security Disability Claim

What is the Timeline for Social Security Disability Claim Image

Each Social Security Disability Claim is different and has a unique set of factors that are considered in order to arrive at a final decision. So, the timeline for these claims cannot be defined. However, there are four situations under which an individual can be considered for a faster decision:

  1. If an individual fits the criteria of a QDD (quick disability decision) case
  2. If the claimant has a condition that is on the compassionate allowance list
  3. If the claimant has a terminal condition
  4. If the severity of the condition satisfies the criteria for a Social Security Impairment Listing

The approvals for these conditions generally do not take long and are passed within the initial claim level itself. However, for the remaining cases, there are a number of factors that affect the timeline for the disability claim. In Oklahoma city, a social security disability lawyer could help you speed up your application and ensure that you are accurately represented. Here are some estimates of the time it takes for each step in the claim to complete :

Initial Application

On an average, the waiting time for an initial application is about four months. This is just an estimate, though, it could vary from case to case. The wait time for an initial application depends on a number of things. One of the major factors is how quickly your medical provider is able to respond to the request for medical records. So, the medical provider you list on your application should be able to quickly provide all the relevant information and documentation. The turnaround time for submitting these documents finally decides the overall time for processing your claim. Other factors include the time required to analyze your case and gather all the additional information that is necessary to prove it.

Reconsideration Request

The waiting time varies a great deal with requests for reconsiderations. Claimants have waited approximately three months for a decision. If you haven’t received additional medical treatment since your initial request, the reconsideration process is faster as there is no need to gather additional information. If there have been some additional treatments, the process may take longer as the medical records need to be updated and the files will need to be reviewed all over again. Oklahoma social security disability lawyer can help you speed up your reconsideration request.

Request for a Hearing

The waiting times for this step are the longest. Sometimes it’s almost twelve months before you get a date for the hearing and near to nothing can be done about the case until the hearing. Oklahoma city social security disability attorney could help you gather all the evidence and present your case in a way that speeds up your overall claim request.

The Hearing Decision

The waiting time for a hearing decision usually depends upon the amount of additional information that is required after the initial hearing. Some judges may request for additional tests and consultative examinations, while some might want more medical records. Overall, you can expect a thirty days lead time for a final decision on the hearing. There is absolutely no deadline or no minimum time for these cases and the time the judge takes is considered final.

Although all judges strive to issue their decisions as quickly as possible, there are a number of factors that could slow down the process. As discussed above, the time is taken for acquiring the right information, medical records, test, and their results could influence the overall time for the final judgment. It’s also important to remember that waiting times vary from case to case and there is no way to standardize the times.

However, you can expedite the time taken for your particular case by hiring the right social security disability attorney. In Tulsa, a social security disability lawyer can help you put together an application to ensure that your timeline for the claim is reduced and your chances of approval are increased.