What are the Requirements for an Accident Report in Oklahoma?

If you’ve been injured in an Oklahoma car accident, one of the first things you should do is file an accident report. An accident report is a critical document that helps law enforcement investigate the crash and determine fault. Burton Law Group offers guidance and assistance through these critical times.
What is an Accident Report in Oklahoma?
An Accident Report in Oklahoma is a formal document that must be filed with the Department of Public Safety when an accident involves injury, death, or property damage over $300, and no settlement has been reached within six months. If a settlement is reached, details of the settlement must also be reported. This report is essential for legal and insurance purposes, ensuring that all necessary information is recorded for further proceedings or claims.
The legal requirements for an Accident Report in Oklahoma are outlined in the Oklahoma Statutes, specifically under OK Stat § 47-10-108. This statute mandates the timely submission of these reports to aid in the accurate documentation and resolution of accidents on public roadways.
If you find yourself unsure about the steps to take following an accident, reach out to a knowledgeable Oklahoma City personal injury lawyer at Burton Law Group for immediate assistance.
Key Requirements for Filing an Accident Report in Oklahoma
In the event of a vehicle accident in Oklahoma, certain steps are legally required to ensure the safety of all involved and the proper documentation for legal and insurance purposes. Understanding these requirements can help drivers manage the situation effectively and comply with state laws.
- Immediate Notification: If involved in an accident resulting in injury, death, or property damage exceeding $300, the driver must immediately notify local law enforcement (police, sheriff, or state highway patrol). This ensures a prompt response and official documentation of the incident.
- Driver Exchange of Information: Drivers must exchange their name, address, vehicle registration number, driver’s license, and insurance details with other parties involved in the accident. This facilitates the resolution of any claims or disputes that may arise.
- Written Report to the Department of Public Safety: A written accident report must be submitted to the Department of Public Safety if the accident results in injury, death, or property damage over $300, and no settlement has been reached within six months. If a settlement is reached, details must be reported as well.
- Duty to Render Aid: Drivers are legally required to provide reasonable assistance to any injured persons, which may include arranging or providing transportation to a hospital if necessary. This legal obligation underscores the importance of human safety above all else.
- Accidents Involving Only Vehicle Damage: If the accident results only in vehicle damage, the driver must stop without obstructing traffic, provide their information, and remain at the scene until all legal obligations are fulfilled.
Filing an accident report is important for several reasons. It helps to create an official record of the accident, which can be helpful for insurance companies, law enforcement, and the courts. An accident report can also be valuable evidence if you need to file a personal injury claim. If you have been injured in a car accident in Oklahoma, it is important to speak with an experienced Oklahoma City accident attorney as soon as possible.
Need Help? Contact Burton Law Group Today
Filing an accident report in Oklahoma is a critical step that should not be overlooked. By adhering to these guidelines, you safeguard your legal rights and ensure that you are properly positioned to pursue any necessary claims for compensation. For personalized attention and dedicated legal representation that focuses on your needs, turn to Burton Law Group. Our team is ready to help you achieve the justice and compensation you deserve.
For more information or to discuss your case, contact us today.