How a Lawyer Can Help Get Disability Benefits for a Child

Children who are under 18 and are legally disabled may qualify for Supplemental Security Income or SSI, provided that they also meet resources and household income requirements. If you are caring for a child who has physical and/or mental disabilities, there’s hope for some financial reprieve. Talk to an Oklahoma City social security disability attorney to understand your options.
What can lawyers in OKC do for my child’s case?
Securing disability benefits for a child is not as straightforward as it seems. The process requires substantial evidence, and specialized testing may be needed in some cases. These tasks are time-consuming for a parent like yourself who is already overwhelmed caring for a child with a disability.
Does your child have physical disabilities? He or she needs to meet complicated and very specific criteria to qualify for benefits. Additionally, only certain kinds of medical evidence are acceptable depending on the condition of the child.
The approval process is even more complicated for children with mental disorders or disabilities, such as low IQ, learning impairments, depression, drug dependence, or autism. The government requires all kinds of reports, tests, and medical opinions to prove that the child’s condition meets SSA standards, which vary depending on the age of the child.
Hiring an attorney will relieve you of most of the legal paperwork and legwork that has to be done. An Oklahoma City social security disability attorney knows exactly what records the SSA will ask for in assessing your child’s condition and can contact the relevant medical providers and school officials to secure those documents.
Your attorney can also thoroughly review those papers to assess if they can form evidence that is helpful to your claim, as well as determine what additional details may be required. Should there be ‘bad facts,’ your lawyer can skillfully and ethically address them so that they don’t harm the case.
Aside from this, your attorney can communicate with hospitals, testing facilities, and other establishments to obtain any additional records that can help the case. He or she can secure supporting statements from the child’s doctors, which can be vital to the claim. Should some physicians be unwilling to provide supporting opinions, your lawyer can contact them about the matter. Attorneys have the legal experience to better address a medical provider’s reluctance.
Not sure if your child has a medical condition that qualifies for disability? You can talk to lawyers in OKC and let them review your case so that they can determine if the child may be eligible. Most law offices offer free initial consultations, so you can take advantage of that opportunity to get some legal insights about your potential claim.
The SSI is a federal benefit program that provides financial assistance for income-eligible disabled children, making it just a little bit easier for their parents or guardians to meet their needs and provide proper care. Make sure that you don’t overlook this potential source of income. At Burton Law Group, we have lawyers who can advise you on how to access the Social Security Disability Insurance program’s full range of benefits. We’ll help make sure that your family obtains the benefits they deserve.