The 3 Most Important Steps After a Slip and Fall Injury

Slip and fall accidents have the potential to cause severe or debilitating injuries. Very often, the property owners are held liable in these cases because they are expected to keep their properties reasonably safe and clear of hazards that could cause ‘accidents’. The victim in such cases is entitled to receive compensation for the injuries caused due to the owner’s negligence. The victim could claim medical bills, pain and suffering and loss of wages if the injury forced him to stay away from work. It is a good idea to contact a slip and fall injury attorney for advice. However, there are a few things you can do while you are at the site.
Here are the three most important steps you should know about after a slip and fall injury:
- Collect As Much Information as You Can
Collect as much information as you can about your fall. You can begin by checking out the cause of the accident such as a wet floor, oil spill or uneven surface, etc. Take a note of everything you observe on the property where the accident occurred. You can also take pictures of the place and save them as evidence. Check whether there are any direct witnesses who saw you fall. They could be a valuable source of information.
- Obtain Medical Treatment
Make sure that you call emergency services to take you to the hospital. If your injury is not that severe, make sure that you get timely treatment. Make a note of all the instructions given to you by your doctor. Keep the results of the diagnostic tests filed safely. X-Rays could be substantial evidence to prove your case. So, make sure that you contact a doctor and obtain medical treatment whether your injury is small or big. If you avoid seeing a doctor, it implies that your injuries aren’t that serious to support a personal injury case against the property owner.
- Contact a Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer
The most important step is to contact a slip and fall injury attorney. These attorneys are experts at what they do and provide you with the right advice on how to proceed with the case. The sooner you hire an attorney to represent you, the sooner you will be able to protect your claims from being manipulated. Your monetary claims for such injuries are not just medical bills. They also include recovery for lost wages, loss of mobility, disfigurement or any other kind of pain and suffering. When you seek professional counsel, you will understand what you are entitled to, and you can then work on the case together with the attorney. If you know how to assess your losses, you can easily claim accurately for better compensation.
Slip and fall injuries are only considered when the obstacle or the hazard existed on the property long enough for the owner to take corrective action. If the owner had a reasonable amount of time to fix it, but negligently did not, the victim has the right to claim for compensation for the losses incurred.
Another important thing to remember is that a case is only valid if the victim’s own carelessness did not cause or contribute to the accident. You will need to prove that the injury was caused due to the negligence of someone else. This is exactly why contacting a personal injury lawyer could be an excellent idea. They know exactly what the law says, and they know how to represent your case in the court accurately.
We just outlined the three most important steps to take after a slip and fall injury. We specialize in slip and fall injury cases in Oklahoma. You can contact us for further information and consultation.